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The following comments were sent to us by parents whose children have been participating in Soccer Starts at Home®, and about their experiences with the program.
>Hello Tom, I have the first edition of your book. After reading the book I bought 3 mini-balls and put them in my home. I have seen an increase in incredible amount of love manipulating the ball by just seeing it wherever they go. My six year old has jumped leaps and bounds in his ability to control the ball with coordination and agility. Your philosophy and science are absolutely correct! Thank you friend!
>My name is Jeff and I recently read your book and watched the Real Sports with Bryant Gumbel on HBO when you were on. Just wanted to tell you what an impact they have had on me and how your methods/suggestions have begun to help my kids as well as the kids I coach. I can see a confidence in their body language and play that was never there before. This confidence has carried over to other sports they play, other activities, and also socially. It has been an amazing transformation. I have also started using your methods in other aspects of their lives, diet, math, reading, other sports. They are having fun, they are engaged, they are learning, gaining skills and confidence. They are also less likely to want to use electronics. Thank you for putting this material out there, it has completely changed the way I am raising.
>Tom, just wanted to say thanks. Your philosophy couldn’t be more spot on. Both my boys (5 & 4) have fallen in love with the sport. My oldest’s confidence and natural leadership has blossomed. He’s much more assertive in everything. I could barely get this email sent to you because of so many “daddy watch this” and “daddy look at this new trick”. Not only has this done wonders for them, but my relationship with them has grown so much as well.
Thank you so much!
> Thank you so much for writing the book “Soccer Starts at Home” and creating great videos. Your approach in soccer growth in young kids is instilled in my son’s training. Here in California lots of the soccer club and coaches rely on speed and strength of a kick at such an early age. We took the opposite approach and just worked on his ball mastery and touches since he is the smallest in his age group. As of today he is the most skilled player when it comes to techniques among his peers. He may not be the strongest kicker, however he is the most technical and he enjoys it. He is happy when coaches or clinic coaches would ask him to demonstrate certain moves. This is such a confidence builder.
Please keep up the great work.
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